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English Language School
English Language School


The main objective of IUS English Language School (ELS) is to provide high-quality intensive English Language instruction to those students who are admitted to the International University of Sarajevo without the needed language skills. This way, every IUS student will be able to fully cope with the faculty programs. Students not only attain a high level of English Language proficiency at ELS, but also gain various study skills essential for successful participation in the academic activities of their faculties.

ELS English Language program is truly intensive and demanding; students take 25 hours of language instruction each week for two semesters. Attendance is required, and attendance rules are strictly applied. At IUS, a student's overall academic success hinges on his/her achievement at ELS. Students will find ELS language instructors friendly, helpful, understanding, and yet, very serious and professional.

Serious students should have no fears; many students will come to ELS with little or no knowledge of English, but they will be surprised to see, at the end of the program, how much English they have learned.

English Language School
English Language School

Accredited by Equals

IUS English Language School (ELS) has recently been accredited by EAQUALS (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services), an internationally recognized accreditation body based in Europe. IUS English Language School has become the 1st internationally accredited university English language foundation program in the Balkans by EAQUALS.