IUS English Language School (ELS) was accredited by EAQUALS (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services), an internationally recognized accreditation body based in Europe in 2017. IUS English Language School has become the 1st internationally accredited university English language foundation program in the Balkans by EAQUALS.
English Language School - International University of Sarajevo was re-inspected by EAQUALS in 2022 and met the high standards required for EAQUALS accreditation. The teaching, the course programs, as well as the course organization, the learning resources, testing, and evaluation were all judged to be of high quality. It was found that the institution takes great care to protect the welfare of its clients and staff, and all publicity materials produced by the institution are accurate and truthful.
Founded in 1991, EAQUALS (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services) is the leading professional association that fosters 'Excellence through Accreditation of Quality in Language Services' throughout the world. To support these aims, EAQUALS has established and published a demanding set of accreditation criteria. The EAQUALS accreditation scheme provides guarantees of high quality for language learners studying in EAQUALS accredited centres. EAQUALS Accredited Members are language teaching centres which have met the rigorous demands of the EAQUALS inspection scheme.
EAQUALS advises the Council of Europe on language policy issues and is a member of the professional Network Forum at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML). The EAQUALS membership scheme brings together language teaching centres from over 30 countries and leading national and international organizations which actively support language education. EAQUALS also have specific cooperation agreements with a number of highly respected international bodies which share their aims.
Accredited Members of EAQUALS offer a consistently high standard of language education that meet the world's language learning needs. EAQUALS grants accreditation by inspecting areas such as; Management and Administration, Quality Assurance, Communication with Staff, Communication with Students and Stakeholders, Course Design and Supporting Systems, Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Certification, Academic Resources, Student Services, Staff Profile and Development, Staff Employment Terms, Learning Environment.
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The Inspectors identified points of excellence in the following categories:
Quality Assurance is an area of excellence because there is an exceptional level of commitment by all staff to maintaining and improving the quality of service. English Language School is very attentive to student feedback and to class observation, both procedures being very well organized, and the results driving program improvement.
Communication with Staff is excellent because there is an exceptional level of both formal and informal communication with staff at all levels, managing issues and recognizing achievement. There is very good integration of English Language School into the structure of International University of Sarajevo, with ongoing formal and informal communication. Staff are well-informed about ongoing institutional developments via online means and regular meetings.
Communication with Students and Other Stakeholders s is excellent because the well-designed and clear website and Student Handbook provide all the information students and prospective students require in one place. Online platforms are used very effectively to keep students informed, and the open-door policy has the distinct benefit of providing a personal service to students. exceptional attention is paid to learners’ safety and welfare to ensure they are safeguarded at all times.
Course Design and Supporting Systems are excellent because there is detailed reference to the CEFR and GSE, influencing intended learning outcomes for English Language School programmes. There are very clear descriptions of course programmes and learning outcomes communicated to teachers and learners, as well as support in achieving the outcomes. Critical thinking and cooperation are inherent in course programmes.
Assessment and Certification is an area of excellence because there are systems to track and share the subsequent academic achievement of students who progress from English Language School programmes to higher level university studies, and this data is used to evaluate and improve provision. Assessment procedures are exceptionally comprehensive, professional, clearly documented, thoroughly checked and efficiently administered, with great attention paid to security, resulting in a very high level of fairness and reliability.
Academic Resources are excellent because English Language School has an effective and reliable system for maintaining, reviewing and upgrading its range of resources to ensure continued relevance, topicality and alignment to course objectives. Teaching and learning materials combine published material with high quality internally produced resources and these resources are used effectively to enhance learning. There is a wide range of well-designed self-study resources, related to course content, which foster learner independence.
Student Services are excellent because exceptional care and support is provided for students by both English Language School and the wider International University of Sarajevo. There is an exceptional range of information and avenues to offer students advice. Support and encouragement to enable students to mature and develop as individuals and as good citizens was highly evident.
Staff Profile and Development is an area of excellence because there is a shared culture of continual improvement and development of teaching, evidenced by self-reflection procedures. There are opportunities for a significant number of staff to take part in external training sessions as well as encouragement to participate in seminars and to give presentations. English Language School is supportive towards staff undertaking additional training and professional development by providing financial support.
Staff Employment Terms are excellent because the University and English Language School offer an excellent package of terms and conditions, providing additional benefits over above statutory requirements, which safeguard staff security and contribute to staff welfare. There are opportunities for continuous employment of a significant proportion of staff, and there are opportunities within the University for promotion and career progression for the School’s staff.
The Learning Environment is excellent because it is exceptionally attractive, comfortable, and well-designed and includes many up-to-date facilities which enhance course delivery and opportunities for learning. There is particular attention paid to the health and safety of students and staff, with careful frequent attention to procedures, facilities and equipment, and training. The English Language School staff and students have equal access to University facilities and resources as staff and students in other departments.