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About ELS

English Language School
English Language School

About English Language School

English Language School
English Language School

Vision and Aspiration


Our vision is to be internationally recognized as a symbol of excellence in language teaching and to represent IUS as the number one destination for quality English language training by ensuring that our English Language Learners have meaningful access to rigorous instruction, materials and academic choices within ELS.

English Language School
English Language School


Our mission is to provide high quality language instruction in a positive, friendly, supportive and inspiring learning environment for ESL students and to improve their English language abilities for academic purposes, career advancement, and everyday social and practical purposes.

English Language School
English Language School

Strategic Goals

In pursuit of its mission, English Language School strives to: 


  • provide high-quality intensive English Language instruction to those students who are admitted to the International University of Sarajevo without the needed language skills,
  • equip our students with the necessary language skills to be able to fully cope with the undergraduate programs in the Faculties of FENS, FASS, FBA, FLW and FEDU,
  • ensure that all students reach their full academic potential in all learning domains,
  • promote self-esteem, creativity and independence of thought in every student,
  • provide a stimulating, disciplined learning environment,
  • maintain strong lines of communication with parents and other stakeholders,
  • promote a global outlook alongside an appreciation of local and regional values,
  • support teacher education through professional development opportunities that support diverse learners and serve every person with integrity, a positive attitude and student-focused action,
  • develop efficient and effective systems to monitor student achievement of diverse learners.
English Language School
English Language School

Accredited by Equals

IUS English Language School (ELS) has recently been accredited by EAQUALS (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services), an internationally recognized accreditation body based in Europe. IUS English Language School has become the 1st internationally accredited university English language foundation program in the Balkans by EAQUALS.